
Areas of Specialty

  • Anxiety

    You try so hard to make sure things are just right. You're not sure which you want to avoid more - your own mind's criticism, or other people's criticisms of you.

    Maybe the panic attacks have found you - pounding heart, can't breathe, and that awful feeling of doom. And then there's the gnawing feeling of anxiety that finds you day after day.

    My former clients struggled like you do with anxiety. Together, we discovered what was causing their anxiety. They developed a new way of relating to their thoughts and feelings, so they weren't painful and problematic. The anxiety eased, and the panic attacks stopped.

  • Self-Doubt

    Self-doubt creeps in. You can't help it; your mind constantly compares you to other people. All 8 billion of them.

    And when your mind runs out of comparisons and judgements, social media fills in the blanks for you. You'd love to be able to do something without second-guessing yourself.

    Self-doubt feels awful, and keeps you stuck. I can help you understand where this very human problem comes from and learn how to manage it, so you can focus on what matters to you.

  • Overthinking

    Do you feel stuck? Your mind keeps you trapped in a never-ending loop of what-ifs?

    Your colleagues finish at 5pm. You’re on your computer until late in the night. You write emails, and re-read them, and re-write them. You spend way too much time researching and preparing for presentations and meetings.

    Or maybe it’s your house. Or your body. Your mind constantly thinks about it, criticizes you, plans ways to make it better. And your loved ones tell you that you’re fine, you worry too much.

    Your mind says jump, and you say, how high?

    Together, we can help you get unstuck, disengage from cycle of worry and what-ifs.

Upcoming events

  • What is Perimenopause?

    10.24.24 7:00-8:00PM

    Free seminar.

    Come and learn what is happening to you and and why. Begin to form a personal plan on how to manage perimenopause.

    173 Brock St. N., 2nd floor, Boardroom

  • Mental Health & Perimenopause

    11.21.24 7:00-8:00PM

    Free seminar.

    Where is the line between regular perimenopause symptoms and depression? When does anxiety in perimenopause become too much? At what point do you need therapy? Find out the risk and resilience factors for positive mental health outcomes through perimenopause.

    173 Brock St. N., 2nd floor, Boardroom

  • Sleep Hygiene & Hormones

    01.16.25 7:00-8:00PM

    Free seminar

    Hormone changes impact sleep. Learn how to develop good sleep hygiene in the context of perimenopause.

    173 Brock St. N., 2nd floor, Boardroom