What. Is. Happening. To. Me.

The insomnia.

The mood swings.

The brain fog.

A couple of years ago, I was exercising, giving it my all at work, taking care of my family, keeping the house clean-ish, and a million other things.

Where did that confident woman go?


Therapy can help.

Emotional stability,



and positive self-esteem.

All promote resilience during the menopause transition.

All things taught and used in psychotherapy.

Perimenopausal Anxiety

Your 40s started off smoothly. Then the heart palpitations began, or that heavy chest feeling. The occasional rush that felt like panic. Any tense situation, and you’re sweating. Why is driving suddenly nerve wracking? And the lack of sleep isn’t helping either.

Your doctor says you’re physically healthy. But something is off.

Why do I feel anxious all the time?

Perimenopausal Depression

You’re exhausted - both your body and mind feel drained. You alternate between being irritated by everything and everybody, to feeling sad and empty. You look forward to the end of the day, so you can curl up and hide. If only your brain could let you sleep through the night. Somedays I even wonder why I’m here.

What is happening to me?

Perimenopausal Symptoms

Which will show up today - rage or tears?

How will I fake my way through my brain fog today at work?

I seem to have forgotten how to sleep.

Where did my libido go?

Why am I suddenly feeling old?

I like my couch now more than my friends.

Upcoming events

  • What is Perimenopause?

    10.17.24 7:00-8:00PM

    Free seminar.

    Come and learn what is happening to you and why. Begin to form a personal plan on how to manage perimenopause.

  • Mental Health & Perimenopause

    11.21.24 7:00-8:00PM

    Free seminar.

    Where is the line between regular perimenopause symptoms and depression? When does anxiety in perimenopause become too much? At what point do you need therapy? Find out the risk and resilience factors for positive mental health outcomes through perimenopause.

  • Sleep Hygiene & Hormones

    01.16.25 7:00-8:00PM

    Free seminar

    Hormone changes impact sleep. Learn how to develop good sleep hygiene in the context of perimenopause.